Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
Ben aims to assess your symptoms and work out the cause for them as efficiently as possible in order to advise you what the cause of your symptoms is, and what the best way of treating and managing your symptoms would be.
He starts with the most basic of techniques namely just talking to you to find out what your problems are. Asking carefully worded questions he can often work out the most likely cause of your symptoms allowing him to focus further investigative efforts in a more focussed way.
Ben will usually need to examine you in the clinic and chaperones are always available for this.
Further investigations are often required in addition to these assessments. The most basic examination, an X-Ray, will usually be all that is required and can be performed at the same time. More intricate tests such as MRI scans and blood tests can be arranged but will usually require a further visit to the clinic after the tests have been performed.